Specifying Authority
The Specifying Authority (SA) is the entity who specifies the fenestration products/ systems and components, and identifies the suppliers to be used on a commercial or non-residential project in order to meet design and performance requirements.
The SA enters into a license agreement with NFRC and obtains an NFRC label certificate for a project. This entity may be, but is not limited to, an architect, engineer, or supplier.
Role of the Specifying Authority
The SA agrees to sign a license agreement with NFRC and specify the fenestration products/systems that require thermal performance ratings provided under the NFRC CMA-PCP. The SA also agrees to comply with the requirements of the CMA-PCP.
The SA also provides the following information to a Approved Calculation Entity (ACE):
- Detailed information on the construction of the insulating glazing unit(s); i.e., number of glass lites, glass type, glass thickness, glass coating type and location, glazing gap width, and gas content and percentage fill, if applicable
- Detailed information on the spacer required for product calculations and documentation
- Detailed information of the framing system construction required for product calculations and documentation, such as:
- Identification of the insulating glass unit fabricator including name and contact information
- Identification of the framing system manufacturer/fabricator including name and contact information
- Verifying that the insulating glass manufacturer has certified the IGU construction used in the rated products through a third party IGU certification glass unit rating program
- Participate in selected Documentation Trail Audits performed by an IA
- Assure that Label Certificates are registered with project site records for verification that the whole product systems are NFRC-certified
- Enter into a license agreement with NFRC, authorizing the Specifying Authority to use the NFRC logo and the NFRC Label Certificate per the procedures set forth in the CMA-PCP
Specifying Authorities may participate in the CMA-PCP with more than one ACE or IA.
Click here to request a copy of the Specifying Authority tutorial (must be reviewed before registration is complete)
For complete information on the Specifying Authority guidelines, please see the NFRC 705 document.
Specifying Authority Form (MS Word Form) – This form can be used to supply information to the ACE. This form will give the specifying authority some insight as to what is needed to be provided to the ACE so that they can do their calculations for the label certificate. A filled in sample form can be found here.